O projektu:

Inštitut za težko atletiko je uspešno pridobil projekt z naslovom Promoting Sport Values through Weightlifting (PROSVAWE), ki je sofinanciran s strani Evropske unije. V projektu poleg vodilnega partnerja sodeluje še pet klubov iz Malte, Španije, Slovaške, Italije in Avstrije.

Weightlifting je nišna športna disciplina, ki je v evropski javnosti precej manj poznana kot nekateri drugi športi (npr. nogomet, smučanje ali tenis). Ne glede na to, da ta šport in drugi njegovi derivati obstajajo že več stoletij, je v evropski javnosti in medijih precej slabo zastopan. Največkrat se ga omenja kot komplementarni šport drugim disciplinam. Vendar ima weightlifting ne le športni značaj, temveč tudi druge, npr. zdravstvenega, psihološkega, sociološkega idr. S projektom PROSVAWE želimo slovensko in evropsko javnost seznaniti z weightliftingom, njegovimi pozitivnimi učinki na človeka in duha ter ga predstaviti ne le s športnega, temveč tudi zdravstvenega, rehabilitacijskega, psihološkega in drugih vidikov. Posebno pozornost bomo namenili ljudem s posebnimi potrebami, saj jim lahko elementi weightlftinga pomagajo ohranjati kondicijo, krepiti telo in samopodobo, nenazadnje pa tudi prispevati h kakovostnejšemu preživljanju prostega časa in druženja z drugimi športniki.

Weightlifting je mnogo več kot le dvigovanje uteži in razvijanje mišične mase. Šport ima dolgo in bogato zgodovino, saj se ga v drugačni obliki omenja že 2.000 let pred naših štetjem. Weightlifting se lahko vadi kot samostojni šport, kot komplementaren element drugim športnim disciplinam (utrjevanje, krepitev in višanje mišične mase) ali v povsem drugi luči, npr. rehabilitacijske (največkrat po poškodbah) in/ali psihoterapevtske namene (izboljšanje samopodobe). Skozi projekt PROSVAWE bomo skušali osvetliti vse vidike, vključiti najširšo skupino državljanov in predvsem prikazati weightlifting ne le kot šport, kjer je bistvo to, kdo dvigne največ, temveč kot šport, ki tako kot drugi bolj znani športi, krepi telo in duha.

About the project

Inštitut za težko atletiko (IZTA) has successfully applied for the EU grant with the project PROSVAWE - Promoting Sport Values through Weightlifting (PROSVAWE). The consortium includes in total 6 project partners from 6 countries (Slovenia, Malta, Spain, Slovakia, Italy and Austria).

Weightlifting is a considered as a niche sport, resulting in lower recognition among European public compared to other sport (e. g. football, skiing, tennis etc.). Despite the fact that weightlifting is a sport that has been practiced for centuries, it is still underrepresented when it comes to its general positive effect. It is considered to be a side sport activity to many other sport disciplines, which are much greatly known.

Weightlifting is much more than just lifting weights and developing muscle mass. The sport has a long and rich history, as it has been mentioned in a different form as early as 2,000 years before our era. Weightlifting can be practiced as a standalone sport, as a complementary element to other sports disciplines (strengthening, muscle building, and muscle mass increase), or in a completely different light, for example, for rehabilitation purposes (most often after injuries) and/or psychotherapeutic purposes (improving self-esteem). Through the PROSVAWE project, we will try to illuminate all aspects, involve the widest range of citizens, and above all, present weightlifting not only as a sport where the essence is who lifts the most, but as a sport that, like other better-known sports, strengthens the body and mind.

The PROSVAWE project aims primarily at promoting the weightlifting as a sport discipline among general interested public with a special focus on how this sport discipline can help vulnerable groups to raise their social, health and mental conditions. Weightlifting is much more than just lifting different weights. It is a sport with a long tradition, an activity that is part of every other sport (to help improving muscle tone of the body) as well as a therapeutically method in physiotherapy. These three elements have been many times disregarded by general public, which mainly knows the competitive side of weightlifting. Therefore, the project puts a huge emphasis on popularization of the weightlifting in all before-mentioned disciplines.

Since weightlifting is not only a sport, but an integral part of other non-sport activities, we wish to highlight its cross-disciplinarity. To this end, our focus groups will be vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and how weightlifting can improve their quality of life. We will demonstrate the positive effects of weightlifting in therapeutical methods and physiotherapy. Doing so, we believe that we can well transfer our sport values to other sectors and disciplines, thus contributing to better understanding of the sport itself as well as improvement of quality of life of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups.

Timeline: 1 September 2022 – 28 February 2024


Izvedba mednarodnih dogodkov v vsaki partnerski državi.

Brošura s primeri dobrih praks weightliftinga v partnerskih državah.

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Promocija weightliftinga preko socialnih omrežij.


Povzetek preteklega PROSVAWE dogodka.

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Promocijski material, ki služi promociji PROSVAWE projekta.

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Zaključno poročilo projekta PROSWAVE.

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Malta WeightliftingAssociation, Malta

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Asd Nuova Pesistica Triestina, Italija

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1. Favoritner Athletenklub Goliath, Avstrija

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TjTatran Krasno nad Kysucou Oddielovy Klub Vzpierania, Slovaška

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Club Halterofilia Ourense, Španija

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1. september 2022 – 28. februar 2024


“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EUROPEAN EDUCATION AND CULTURE EXECUTIVE AGENCY (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”